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TINKERBELL Single trailing. Makes a very bushy basket with lots of blooms.  

TOM WEST Single trailing. Makes a nice bushy basket and will tolerate heat. Green and white foliage with pink edges. VARIEGATED PROCUMBENS   This is a novelty fuchsia. Grows low to the ground and spreading

TANTALIZING TRACY Double trailing. Sepals pink  Corolla pink with coral streaks. Big blossoms VEENLUST  Double trailing. Sepals are white and corolla an orangy red. Big blooms Beautiful long trailing basket

  VELVET CRUSH Double trailing. Sepals are pale pink. Corolla is a deep Aubergine

TRAILBLAZER Double trailing. This is a natural trailer and blooms well. VIENNA WALTZ Double trailing. Makes a nice full basket. Blooms are very large

TROPICANA Double trailing. Makes a very full basket. Blooms a little late. Very full bloom. VIOLET GEM Semi Double trailing. Sepals Dark pink to red. Corolla purple with dark pink at top.


TRUMPETER Single trailing. A triphylla type that will take the heat. Good bloomer. WAVENEY GEM  Single trailing. Makes a wide basket that will trail. Not a long trailer. Blooms like crazy.

AB-AR ] AR-BE ] BI-BR ] BU-CO ] CO-DO ] Do-Fo ] FR-HA ] HE-KA ] KI-LU ] LU-MI ] Mi-Pe ] PI-QA ] QE-RU ] SA-SO ] SN-SU ] [ TI-WA ] WA-ZE ]

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